Manila's Momentary Lapse of Reason: 2006-05-14

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Pusan, South Korea

Thursday, May 18, 2006

What a Life

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mad Dogs and I

The average midday temperature in the Philippines at times feels like its around 1000-1500 Celsius (41.11c - The Temperature At Which The Brain Begins To Die) Which is why I drag myself around some of there most attractive golf courses that they have to offer!
What possess me to do this I don’t know. The heat can be at times, for me originating from a cold climate unbearable yet I put myself through it for the pleasure of that one or two great shots. My golfing partner an Ausie by origin and weighing less than the average Pitching Wedge thinks the temp is just right, and after 18 holes still has a dry shirt. Not me, I have lost enough fluid to fill an Olympic size swimming pool.
I wish I could say that I could hold my own at golf but that would be a load of bollocks. My game is almost comical yet I persist and the courses on offer in PI are great. A good golf instructor is hard to find in PI or at least I have never found one so improving my game is difficult.
Never having the luxury or courage to show off my golfing skills anywhere else other than here in the Philippines. A friend from back home once asked me “when you reach the green and clean your ball how close to the ball do you put your ball marker?” I have never cleaned my ball as my Caddie does it for me. “Caddie? These Angels of mercy are mandatory on all courses in P.I. and for the meager some of a couple of pints (10USD) they will lug your bag around in the sweltering heat for 3-4 hours look for lost balls and hand you your fluid lifeline when they think you are about to pass out with heat stoke.
Competitiveness is one of the reasons for sure why I put myself through this punishment. Although I have as much chance of winning a game of golf as Australia has of winning the world cup. With persistence I hope that some day soon Ill be able to post a blog that will contain all my exploits as a first time winner. Im not holding my breath though.

Monday, May 15, 2006

We allready know

Diego Maradona: "The English club proved that miracles really do exist. I've now made Liverpool my English team. They showed that football is the most beautiful sport of all. You knew they could defend but the team showed they could play too and wrote a page in the history books.
The match will last forever.
The Liverpool supporters didn't let me go to sleep the night before. There were 10 of them to every three Milan supporters. They showed their unconditional support at half-time when they were losing 3-0 and still they didn't stop singing."

Poor Larry

With all the sadness and trauma going on in the world at the moment, it
is worth reflecting on the death of a very important person which almost
went unnoticed last week. Larry La Prise, the man who wrote "The Hokey
kokey", died peacefully at age 93. The most traumatic part for his
family was getting him into the coffin. They put his left leg in, and then the trouble started.

Blog Infection

I’m a BLOGGER! Yes a BLOGGER what is a BLOGGER don’t ask me. I didn’t know what a BLOG was until 3 months ago. A fellow crewmember came to me and told me he had a BLOGSPOT. I immediately took pity on him and pointed him in the direction of the ships medic keeping my fingers crossed hoping we would not have a medivac on our hands. And I thought the poor guy might have a pus-infected growth (Pilonadal cinus) edging its way closer and closer to his bowels (not a great deal of fun believe me). I couldn’t have been further from the truth. Turns out my 6 months incarceration a year onboard a seismic vessel has left me a little naive to say the least towards the wonders of the web.
So here it is MyBlog

Enough Said